Curriculum Adoption Program

Your Turnkey CFP® Education Solution

Dalton proudly partners with top universities across the country to offer world-class CFP® certification education, study materials, and instructor training for on-campus programs.

The Dalton Education Curriculum Adoption Program delivers a consistent, relevant, and measurable course that is easily integrated into your university’s offerings. Our quality materials and faculty training help launch a new CFP® education program or simplify an existing program.


Quality materials and teaching across all subjects.

  • Proprietary course materials
  • Ongoing faculty training

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Students learn to think like a financial planner.

  • Continuously updated materials
  • Track student’s knowledge of exam fundamentals

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Demonstrate student progression

  • Student progression checkpoints
  • Exam Readiness Quiz

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Consistent Quality

The Dalton Curriculum Adoption Program offers consistent content across all instructors and subjects by offering ongoing training for faculty and best-in-class study and lecture materials.

Our proprietary course materials have helped over half of CFP® professionals gain their designation. The combination of premier financial planning textbooks from Money Education and instructional design and delivery by Dalton Education provides universities with unparalleled quality and customer service. Materials are updated in an ongoing manner based on changes to tax law and CFP® exam feedback.

Dalton Education provides instructors with on-site or virtual training during initial adoption and follow up training for any new instructors. This ensures high-quality, consistent lectures throughout the course. This training ensures that instructors that have not sat for the CFP® recently or at all are up to speed on current exam trends and how material is tested on the exam.


Relevant Material

Over the past decade, Dalton Education has worked tirelessly to design our curriculum around the specific requirements to pass the CFP® exam and changes in tax law. We are in tune with the changing landscape of relevant financial techniques and continuously update our materials to reflect these changes.

Students will focus their studies on information that will show them how to be a financial planner and provide a foundation to be successful on the CFP® exam. Our adherence to exam-specific material uses lecture time wisely; and when used in conjunction with our progress measurement quizzes, allows instructors to focus on material that may not have been clear or is particularly difficult while spending less time on material that is well-establish with their students. Our helpful faculty has written CFP® exam questions and are adept at conveying these concepts to both university faculty and students.

Meet some of our esteemed faculty:


Thomas P. Langdon, J.D., CPA, CFA,
Dr. David W. Durr, PH.D. CFA, CFPKristi M. Tafalla, JD, MS, CFP, ChFC



Measurable Results

At Dalton, we know that data is king and we want to prove that your students are progressing and successful. Our curriculum has been designed with periodic checks to evaluate how well students progress through the program. We track results against the CFP Board’s learning objectives to help instructors focus on areas that need extra attention as well as demonstrate positive student performance for the University Renewal Application.

Additionally, our proprietary Exam Readiness Quiz predicts the likelihood of a student passing the CFP® exam. Instructors are granted a glimpse into the future as results indicate that students who score a 70% or more on the Exam Readiness Quiz have a 99% pass rate on the CFP® exam. Likewise, students who score 60% or more on the Exam Readiness Quiz have an 88% pass rate on the CFP® exam. Historically, over half of our students have scored 60% or more on the Exam Readiness Quiz leading to an overall historical pass rate of 75% for Dalton-educated students.


Student Score on
Exam Readiness Quiz
CFP® Exam
Pass Rate
 70%+ 99%
 60%+ 88%


The Curriculum Adoption Program pairs with our exclusive Oracle Program to offer unparalleled insights into student performance. For more information on any of our university programs, please contact our Manager of University Partnerships at 678-551-0997 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.