Scholars Program for the Financial Planning Preview Course

About the Scholars Program

Dalton Education is addressing the lack of gender and racial diversity in financial planning by promoting the profession, educating a more diverse student population, and bringing together financial service firms, students, and universities.

The Scholars Program provides financial service firms an opportunity to purchase the Financial Planning Preview course and offer these courses to diverse students attending university partners that participate in the program.

Benefits for Participating Financial Service Firms
  • Builds early brand awareness for your firm among students who may have an interest in a career as a financial advisor.
  • Builds goodwill among prospective employees and firm clients.
  • Enhances existing outreach efforts to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce.
  • Provide diverse students with personal financial planning concepts that will benefit them throughout their lifetime.
Benefits for Recipients
  • Receive over 32 hours of instruction from some of the country’s top financial planning practitioners, authors, and faculty members.
  • Learn about career opportunities as a financial advisor and financial planner.
  • Learn important financial planning concepts and strategies to help clients achieve their financial goals.
  • Demonstrate an interest and aptitude for financial planning as a career to prospective employers.
  • Upon graduation, recipients are positioned for potential job offers from firms that have awarded scholarships.
  • Learn personal financial planning skills that will benefit the student throughout their lifetime.
Benefits for Participating Universities
  • Additional academic support for minority students at no cost to the school.
  • Offers personal financial planning course to student body, which can only benefit students throughout their lifetime.
  • Helps facilitate recruiting and hiring efforts at the university by financial service firms that are financially committed to helping improve diversity within the financial planning industry.

If you are a company or university interested in supporting our Diversity Initiative, please complete the form below.

Scholars Program

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