

Now has never been a better time to make the decision to become a Certified Financial Planner. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupation Handbook for 2010-2011, employment opportunities for personal financial advisors are expected to grow “much faster than average” with a projected growth of 30% through 2018.  In times such as this, when every day we hear reports of a bleak job market, these are impressive statistics. Doesn’t it feel good to know you made the right decision to pursue your CFP® designation and are headed down the right career path?

Speaking of good decisions, let me tell you another - in choosing The Dalton Review® as your CFP® Exam Review Provider, you can guarantee your own success. No other review provider will let you take the review again should you not pass it the first time – and we will do it for free!

Can it really get any better than that?…..Well actually it can! Here at Dalton Education, we really care about the success of our students and we see them for the wonderful individuals they are.  Keeping that in mind, we decided there should not be a ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to preparing yourself to take the CFP® Exam.  We are the only review provider that can offer you the flexibility to choose your own learning style and fit it to your schedule.  Whether you prefer the traditional classroom, a live online review, or the recorded review to watch at your convenience, or a combination of them all – The Dalton Review® has a learning method that works for you!

Now THAT is a great decision!


Fiona Ramion
Technology Manager
Dalton Education