The #1 Reason Why Students Fail the CFP Exam

I have heard lots of reasons why students don’t pass the CFP exam, here are just a few: 

  • The guy next to me wouldn’t stop coughing during the exam.
  • The exam was just impossible.
  • I think I took the wrong exam.
  • I couldn’t find the testing facility.
  • The batteries in my calculator died
  • The room was too hot, the room was too cold, the room was too noisy, the room was too quiet... and plenty more.

However, the #1 reason I consistently hear from students that were not successful is... “I ran out of study time!”  I was busy at work, I waited until the last minute to begin studying, I had a two week vacation, etc.  They all come back to, I didn’t do everything that you suggested as part of The Dalton Review for the CFP exam, because I just ran out of study time.  So, use this information to your advantage as you begin preparing for the CFP exam.  Plan your time accordingly to finish working 125 hours of pre-study materials before attending The Dalton Review, plan on working the test bank questions for 40-50 hours after The Dalton CFP Review.  If you do everything we suggest as part of The Dalton Review®, you will pass the exam.  We guarantee it!  

Joe Gillice