NEWSFLASH: CFP Board Retake Policy

The CFP Board has issued new guidelines when it comes to retaking the exam.  Effective January 2012, you may only take the exam a total of five times in your life with an exception for those who have previously taken the exam four or more times.  We have created the following table to illustrate how many times you may take the exam based on the number of times you previously sat for the exam.


  Never taken the exam                    
 5 attempts remaining                   
  Took the exam 1 time prior to January 1, 2012  4 attempts remaining
  Took the exam 2 times prior to January 1, 2012  3 attempts remaining
  Took the exam 3 times prior to January 1, 2012  2 attempts remaining
  Took the exam 4 times prior to January 1, 2012
 2 attempts remaining
  Took the exam 5+ times prior to January 1, 2012  2 attempts remaining
  All attempts after January 1, 2012 will eat into your remaining attempts. 


In addition, individuals may attempt the exam a maximum of three times within a 24 month period.  If an individual attempts the exam on three successive administrations, a one year sit-out period is required before registering for another attempt.

If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 877-426-2373 or read the release from the CFP Board here